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2020 Season Suspended Indefinitely

Good afternoon Devils It would come as no surprise that due to changes in the footing of National and State Governments since I last updated you - especially today - have led HACT to officially deem the commencement of the 2020 season indefinitely suspended; this decision extends to the conduct of club training sessions which are cancelled until further notice. The UCHC Board whole-heartedly support HACT in their decision, and our focus has now switched from enabling on-field activities to supporting our Community off the field. These are challenging times and if we don’t have members affected physically, we will have members affected mentally and financially. In my opinion we have seen some of the worst of humanity in recent days but I am hopeful that UCHC will demonstrate that we are the best of humanity. To that end, we will look to how we can help each other and your ideas and support are called for. Likewise, if you are struggling, I encourage you to reach out and let someone know. The decision to suspend the season doesn’t change the Board’s positions on player fees - if you would like refund of what was paid to the club then please let us know; otherwise we will hold your fees until that glorious day when we can again take the field. Please contact a Board member or myself if you have any questions, practice social distancing, and wash your hands! UC! Jimmy


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