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Bar Rally!

The annual UCHC Bar Rally is here! A great opportunity to continue to support your club and help grow the strong social spirit our club prides itself on. Come along and meet your fellow club members, have a few drinks and attempt to tear up the dance floor with your killer renditions of 90's classics. Fantastic memories to be created (or forgotten) and unforgettable costumes to be designed. Taking advantage of the day the Bar Rally falls on this year, the theme is "Friday 13th" - interpret this however you like. Friday 13th is an unlucky and superstitious day in Western culture. Think scary, superstitious, freaky halloween like costumes with the themes of bad luck.

We would love to see some "teams with a theme" so have a chat to your team mates and coaches to think of something fun. $10 tickets available for purchase here: The night will kick off at our major sponsor, The RUC Turner Bowls Club (with the Brumbies game on the screens). So come along and order drinks and food as you like and then we will head into civic. Details of other venues and numerous drink deals will be advised on the night.

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Annual General Meeting

A reminder that the AGM is fast approaching. If you are thinking about helping out the club, can I recommend that you seriously consider a position on the Board or as one of our various coordinators.

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